Following the pandemic, the government identified strategic and high added value future sectors in order to put in place an economic plan.
The objective of the “France Relance” plan is to support projects for the establishment of industrial activities through a call for tender, mainly focused on the fields of health, food and electronics
In the health sector, the production of drugs is 80% manufactured abroad. This relocation phenomenon is mainly explained by social, environmental and regulatory constraints less demanding than in Europe as well as lower costs.
The COVID 19 crisis has confirmed France’s dependence on Asia upstream of its pharmaceutical production. However, mid-size companies and SMEs established in the region represent possible solutions to boost the sector.
Since the drug industry is a real source of wealth, the FRENCH government has implemented actions to encourage production in France and thus relocate the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and essential drugs in Europe.
CEBIPHAR, en tant que prestataire de services de support analytique, s’inscrit dans cette démarche et a déjà été sollicité par différents acteurs sélectionnés par le gouvernement.